Why did Sophia take Tom Back?

Throughout the movie Tom Jones, the main character Tom is considered to be one of the most charming men in town. He takes full advantage of his popularity, and sleeps with every woman he get the chance to. He does this without thinking twice in most situations and without any regard for anyone else's feelings. The feelings of one woman are particularly ignored: those of Sophia, Tom's "fiancée". Time after time he cheats on her without her knowledge, and then when she receives proof of his numerous affairs. In most modern relationships, this would be the end of all relations with someone, as all trust would be gone. However, for some unknown reason, Sophia takes Tom back again and again and again, and expects him to keep his promise to be faithful to her when he has had a long history of being unfaithful. In other words, Sophia could do so much better. With a wealthy family, chased after looks, and a good reputation, Sophia is the epitome of a good wife in 18th century England. Furthermore, she has a lot of connections that would allow her to find someone who would treat her better than Tom. Overall, Tom is an amusing character but not a very good fiancé, and Sophia deserves and could easily find someone who is both.


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